Bauen Sie mit uns

Are you looking for an unforgettable holiday destination, a permanent home away from home or an investment opportunity? Look no further than the Dominican Republic, where you can build your dream villa surrounded by stunning beaches and breathtaking views. Learn more about building in the DR – from regulations and permits to selecting the perfect spot and designing—so that you make the most of this beautiful Caribbean nation’s potential.

Baue dein Traumvilla in der Dominikanischen Republik. Von der Konzeption bis zur Fertigstellung machen wir es leicht.

Discover why so many people are making the Dominican Republic their permanent home, vacation retreat or investment area of choice. With so much to offer, the DR is truly paradise, at a fraction of the coast of the rest of the Caribbean. Don’t just make this your holiday destination…make it your home.

Ein zufriedener Kunde ist die beste Empfehlung, hier eine Liste von uns:

Kabarett Frank Kretschmar
Dr. Altmann
Sabaneta Gerhard Philipp
Perla Marina Brian + Marion Wade
Siehe Pferderanch Joe Rosario
Mailand Tyburek
Mark Senator
Playa Laguna Michael Sottmann
Caoba-Ranch Andrei Belisky
La Mulata III Samuel Björklund
Al + Margeret Allen
La Mulata II John + Hedi Schulz
Reinhard Dilg
Colin Dimond

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